History of Our Post
In the fall of 1919, a group of veterans of WWI gathered in Huntington Beach, California for the purpose of establishing a Post of The American Legion named “Joseph Rodman”, after a resident of the city who had died from wounds inflicted in battle.
The original Charter was dated December 18, 1919. The Post was renamed Huntington Beach Post 133 in 1941, and incorporated in 1940.
The early years of Post 133 were marked by heavy involvement in the affairs of the City. The Post formed, funded and manned the volunteer Fire Department during the 1920’s. Many Legionnaires served in the Police Department, Fire Department and school district, as well as, on the City Council. In 1931, LaVerne Keller, Commander of Post 133, was appointed Chief of Police. Two other Post members served as Chief of Police: Les Grant in 1936 and Ben Dulaney in 1950. Another notable member of Post 133 was Celia Baker Young, the first female Judge in Orange County.
Originally, Post 133 met in a surplus school building provided by the oil company. In 1926, a City Hall and auditorium was built. A second floor was built, and the building rededicated as Memorial Hall, in honor of veterans. An agreement was negotiated between the city and Post 133, written by the City Attorney, Lewis Blodget. This building remained the home of Post 133 until it was torn down by the city, though American Legion Post 133 was promised a new replacement in the future via a contract.